Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bug Hunt

On Monday we went on the damp Millenium Green to see what bugs we could find in all the different habitats. We took magnifying glasses, pewters, a tick sheet, pots, clipboards and identification sheets. In the forest we found lots of bugs crawling and flying everywhere!

After break we looked at the bugs in the pewters and sketched them carefully. After that we made moving bugs using split pins. They looked very interesting after we had finished colouring them the correct colours.

In the afternoon we had a competition to make bug shelters for the animals. We worked in groups and were only allowed to use what we could find around the forest on the Millenium Green. We made sure when we had finished that we put all the natural items back where they came from for the animals.

The orange group made a habitat in the tree using sticks as walkways, grass as their beds and a stick bridge for them to play on.
The green group made their shelter in a protected area near stinging nettles to help the bugs stay safe. They had spikes, bunk beds and a protective wall as well.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our Sea Life Centre trip in Great Yarmouth

Yesterday year 2 went to the Sea Life Centre to see the animals habitats. First we got checked and put our bags in the staff cupboard. Next we went in a massive door so we could go to the touch pool. Then we stroked a bumpy starfish and a hard-shelled crab. We felt scared because we didn't want to get nipped! After that we saw unpuffed up pufferfish, flat camoflagued stingrays, fierce sharks, funny penguins, giant sea turtle and floppy jellyfish. Later on we walked down the sea front and along the wooden Britannia Pier. We got lots of fresh air and had a fantastic day. Miss Ingram fell asleep on the way back!

Monday, March 1, 2010


We made some super pirate pictures which we have displayed on the wall. We also made pirate hats. Looking in information books we found out about pirates and how they live. Pirates drink lots of rum! In maths we solved some pirate problems like: which cannon balls to use; rum bottles; climbing ropes and the size of the dirty, smelly pirate ship.

On paper we made old, rusty treasure maps after we covered them in tea bags to make them look old. On our island we had: the sea, snowy mountains, dark forest, shiny treasure, cob-webbed caves, sandy beach and wooden houses. Next we scrunched them up because it would make it look old.

In PE we played lots of pirate games when we had to listen to the captain or you would have walked the plank! Are you scared? AAARRRGGGG!!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Pirates AAaarrgghh!

This week we are looking at pirate floats. We watched a DVD, looked in information books and used our brains to find out about pirates and their scary ships. After that we looked at a story where, at a pirate school, the children KIDNAPPED the teachers and tied them up because they were going to kidnap and leave the children. AAARRRGGHHHH!!
We are going to have a pirate day on the 30th March to do lots of pirate maths. We will also dress up as pirates and see who makes the best pirate. We will tell you all more about it after the day.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Making lighthouses with electricity

First we got some white and red paper and a cardboard tube. After that we put on some aprons, got some glue and started to cut the paper. We cut both pieces of paper into long strips so they could fit round the tube. Next we glued the strips on in a stripy pattern to look like a lighthouse. Before we started we had looked at pictures so we knew what a lighthouse looks like.

Later on we made a complete circuit using batteries, wires, a light and a battery holder. Then we put our circuit in the lighthouse so the top lit up. We felt excited and chuffed that we got them to light up!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Making puppets

First, we designed our rod puppets on a plan. Then we scrunched some newspaper up to make the puppet's head, nose and ears. Next we put a hard, wooden cane in the head for the body and covered the head with coloured tissue paper to make it look like our character. After that we made a neck using more tissue paper.

"We felt excited because we had never built a puppet before," Quote by Taylor Lurkins.

The next stage was to put a carboard roll on as the puppets shoulders. Afterwards we cut our arms for our puppet from some thin string and glued them onto the shoulders with a hot glue gun.

DANGER! Do not touch the hot glue gun because it is extremely hot and will burn you.

We used stiff garden wire to bend into a hand shape and cellotaped it to the end of the string arms. After we attached the hands we covered them with tissuepaper the same colour as our face to make them look like our character.

Next we made the legs using various pieces of cardboard tubes. We joined these together using small pieces of fabric and the hot glue gun so the puppets could sit down and bend at the knee. This made them look more like our character. We were all very pleased with what the puppets looked like so far.

Later on, it was time for the decoration of the puppets. We put on: button eyes, face detail, hair or fur (depending on our character), a body and clothes. We made sure we looked carefully at our plans for this part so our puppets would look like our characters.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Being Healthy

In science, we were looking at the 5 food groups which are: fruit and vegetables; bread and cereals; milk and dairy; fats and sugars and meat and fish. We cut pictures of the foods out of magazines, sorted them into their groups and labelled them. We went around the year 2 class asking the children and adults what their favourite food was from each group for the cook to decide a new meal. On the computers, we made block graphs to show our results.