On Monday we went on the damp Millenium Green to see what bugs we could find in all the different habitats. We took magnifying glasses, pewters, a tick sheet, pots, clipboards and identification sheets. In the forest we found lots of bugs crawling and flying everywhere!
After break we looked at the bugs in the pewters and sketched them carefully. After that we made moving bugs using split pins. They looked very interesting after we had finished colouring them the correct colours.
In the afternoon we had a competition to make bug shelters for the animals. We worked in groups and were only allowed to use what we could find around the forest on the Millenium Green. We made sure when we had finished that we put all the natural items back where they came from for the animals.
The orange group made a habitat in the tree using sticks as walkways, grass as their beds and a stick bridge for them to play on.
The green group made their shelter in a protected area near stinging nettles to help the bugs stay safe. They had spikes, bunk beds and a protective wall as well.